Call for Proposals 2022A (VLBI)

Term 2022A Category KVN
Submit start (UT) 2021-09-17 15:23:45 Deadline (UT) 2021-11-01 08:00:00
TeX file KVN_Proposal_2022A_VLBI.tex Sample pdf KVN_Proposal_2022A_VLBI.pdf
The Korean VLBI Network (KVN) invites scientific proposals for VLBI observations during the 2022A season from astronomers around the world. Observations of successful proposals will be scheduled between 2022 January 16 and June 15. Proposals should be submitted via the KVN website ( before the deadline of UT 08:00 (KST 17:00) on 2021 November 1.

** Korean VLBI Network (KVN) **
The Korean VLBI Network (KVN) is a dedicated mm-VLBI network, operated by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI, Its three 21m radio telescopes are located around South Korea in Seoul, Ulsan, and Jeju Island. The baseline length ranges from 305km to 476 km.

The simultaneous multi-frequency (22/43/86/129 GHz) observing mode in a dual-polarization is available. Data rates of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16/32 Gbps (limited time and observing mode available in case of 16/32 Gbps, see the details in the KVN status report) are supported. Total time of 500 hours are planned for this call. If requested in the proposals, the observing schedule can be allocated over a year, until 2023 January 15, but the total observation time will not be increased. Proposers should use the KVN VLBI observing application form and carefully follow the instructions on the KVN website. The scientific and technical justification must be provided within 3 pages. Details of the information and current status of the KVN can be found in the KVN status report on the KVN website ( Proposals should be submitted via the KVN website.

** Note on 2021B Filler Proposals **
For 2021B season, we additionally invite the KVN filler proposals which will be scheduled within 2021B season (until Jan 15th, 2022). There is no specific deadline, but the total observing time will be limited according to available telescope time. We encourage our users to submit proposals, particularly multi-frequency, wideband, dual-polarization observations for testing your ideas with the KVN. Please visit the KVN webpage and see the “Call for Filler Proposals 2021B (VLBI)”.

** Note on the EATING VLBI observations**
According to the MoA between INAF (The Istituto Nazionale de Astrofisica) and KASI up to 30 hours of observing time in VLBI mode are allocated to approved EATING VLBI projects. These projects have to be submitted both to the Italian and Korean TACs with the standard form selecting "EATING VLBI" mode in the project type. Approved projects will be observed up to 30 hours/semester. Projects exceeding 30 hours will be scheduled together with all other projects according to their relative grades. PIs of these proposals must be associated with INAF or KASI. The detailed formation can be found at the website:

Kee-Tae Kim
Director of Radio Astronomy Division, KASI